Gardens Are Growing

Silent Gardens are growing, that is. We’ve been waiting for a calm day out on the roof garden to take these two photographs. While there have been many nice days, it’s almost always breezy out there and some days it’s … Continue reading

More Not So Silent Garden Blocks

I had to get it out of my system – some very careful seam ripping was necessary as I really wanted to see how different the wild floral kaleidoscope star would look with my final choice of fabrics for these … Continue reading

Change is Coming to the Not So Silent Garden! Again!!

I finished the second Not So Silent Garden block. Pressed it. Graded the seams. But something just wasn’t working – my Not So Silent Garden needed to be more colourful and vibrant, not muted in any way. So back to … Continue reading

Another Star, Another Harpsichord Block

Hmm – didn’t I use that title last week? I’m going to have to come up with some different ideas as I’m trying to stick with this routine for as long as it takes to get the three tops done. … Continue reading

Brown & Blue Silent Garden

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I love the look of this blue and brown Silent Garden block! I was amazed at just how much I liked it when I finished it. The back, after pressing. I let it … Continue reading

Stars and Yin Yang Blocks

I have been doing some piecing, although not a lot, while I’ve been mostly missing from the blog. The projects I chose to work on were projects for which I already had lots of shapes printed and were ready, waiting for me … Continue reading

Three More Butterfly Kaleidoscope Stars

Why only three? Because I spent a lot of time on the weekend figuring out the setting for the completed butterfly kaleidoscope stars. Now that’s done I’m going to work to get the butterfly kaleidoscope stars finished as quickly as … Continue reading

Butterfly Kaleidoscope Progress

Remember this empty project box? Now it’s full again. All the butterfly kaleidoscope stars that haven’t yet had their setting diamonds added are in there. On the weekend, my printer was busy churning out sheets of the batik printed with the … Continue reading

Pieced Hexagons

For the past little while, I’ve been making the odd pieced hexagon here and there and yesterday I made this little beauty. It’s composed of 37 pieces and finishes as a 3″ hexagon. Now there are four of the 3″ … Continue reading

Setting Idea

The little ’30s blocks have been sitting for a few days, although more drawings have been prepared by Mr. Q.O. for embroidery. But yesterday, thanks to a new 2″ and 4″ equilateral triangle Inklingo collection, I came up with a setting idea for them. Of course, I couldn’t resist quickly printing and adding some of the 2″ triangles to the three embroidered 2″ hexagons done so far and then started playing with the setting. I am going to try, I think, to use just two different ’30s fabrics for the triangles. I’m relatively sure that I didn’t use either of those fabrics for the various pieces I’ve printed for the half hexagons and diamonds that were previously printed so I think it will work.

I had been playing with setting ideas but nothing really stood out as a great idea. The triangles changed all that. This is going to be a fun and relatively fast quilt to put together.

Now the little frog is a froggy star!

And, of course, it presses beautifully.

There are some fabulous design ideas in the collection using the 2″ and 4″ triangles together, with diamonds and with hexagons. I was immediately inspired by some border ideas. And some small quilt ideas. And — well, you get the idea. I’m always amazed at just how quickly the ideas start to flow when I see new shape collections.

I didn’t get around to replying to any comments yesterday or visiting any blogs. I will get caught back up today. Yesterday I got caught up in work and then Mr. Q.O. was having computer problems, so the iPad was taken over by him. After a long read, I tend to want to flee the big computer and only use the iPad. Amazing how fast I’ve gotten used to using it. Now I can’t imagine not having one.

Baxter was curled up on the couch. Mr. Q.O. captioned it, “She hid the fabric bits and I got tired looking for them.”