Slow Progress

And I mean very slow progress! Although I had all the little white and red triangle units done and the four-patch units completed, I could only manage to sew  one of these 9-patch blocks last night. Why so slow? Because … Continue reading

Trouble Ahead!!

Over the weekend I got all the little triangle units pieced for the red and white mini quilt and one of the four-patch units made. It won’t take long now to get the three additional red and white blocks made. … Continue reading

Red and White Small Quilt To Be

I had hopes, at the beginning of the year, of getting this, my red and white Canadian Starburst quilt (made with Feathered Stars and Sunflowers) , quilted in time for Canada Day as this is such a special Canada Day … Continue reading

My Red and White Quilt Top

The red and white Feathered Star/Sunflower quilt top, that is.  It had actually been finished for a week but it was too windy to be able to get a decent shot of it out on the roof garden until Friday … Continue reading

Another Baker’s Dozen of the Tiny Drunkard’s Path Blocks

These were done over the past 5 or 6 days. Sometimes I’ll just thread a needle with one length of the cream heirloom thread I’m using for these and stitch until it’s done. Then I go back to whatever else … Continue reading

Five of One, Half A Dozen of Another

Yes, I know the saying is six of one, half a dozen of another but only five of the little Drunkard’s Path units were finished so …

Yesterday there was a question about the matching/registration points on the 2″ Drunkard’s Path blocks. As a picture tells the story much better than words could, I took this picture of the back of two pieces showing just how many matching points there are. You can really see them if you click on the photo to enlarge it. Those matching points are the secret to perfect curved piecing. Pin, stitch to pin, move pin, stitch to pin and so on. And the curves are perfect every time!

The half a dozen?

Half a dozen of the red and white Texas stars. Remember them? Last time I showed this project, an entire row wasn’t yet done. Since then it has grown to three complete rows (I’m joining them as I go) and with these six and a couple more I’ll soon have the fourth row done and attached.

It presses beautifully. I realized as I pressed the six that I haven’t been grading the seams on this one as I went so some time will be spent on the weekend doing just that. I don’t want to take any chances on the deep red shadowing through the white on this one.

This is our long Victoria Day weekend and the weather forecast couldn’t be better. Hot and sunny. Who could ask for more on the first long weekend of the season?

Baxter on “his” quilt. He loves to sit up there in the evening.

Progress Report and a Question

The last time I showed this box it was more or less stuffed full and that was even after three-quarters of the main body of the quilt was done. Now the box is empty enough I had to put another box in there to prop up the glassine envelopes holding the remaining blocks to be pieced for the border. So progress is being made!

After looking at the red and white quilt exhibit app, I started looking through one of my favourite quilt books and came across this. There are other red and white quilts in the book as well and they all stand out because of the fabulous contrast.

The book is never far from reach as I spend tons of time looking through it and admiring the amazing quilts in it.

Yesterday of course I spent altogether too much time playing with the iPad. Aside from spending loads of time looking through the red and white quilts on that app, I found myself looking at my and other blogs.

When I was looking at my blog I realized that certain elements are left out when viewed on a tablet, which has me thinking about yet another blog facelift so that my blog does appear the same on desktops, laptops and mobile devices. Which brings me to a question. If you have a tablet, do you use it to visit blogs?

Thanks to a comment left yesterday, Baxter has his very own app on the iPad – a game for a cat. He’s quite interested in watching it. Made us laugh watching him watching it!