Contented Kitty Quilt

Eight of the blocks are now done and I’m thinking that this will be renamed and called “Memories of Smudge” when it’s finished. I can’t help but think of him when I work with these colours.

All the pieces for the quilt are printed, cut and ready to stitch. It’s not going to be a large quilt and, as I love piecing this block, the blocks may be finished before the fall.

Baxter was a very busy kitty Thursday. He was chasing his toys, our feet, and anything else that attracted his attention. When he stopped for a snooze, he crashed with a teddy bear and frog.

Stitching when Baxter is awake is … well, challenging. He seems to think fabric is a toy and/or edible. I’m hoping this phase passes quickly as it is making it difficult to get much done. My plan is to have the toy basket beside me so that when he decides to “help” I can distract him by throwing a toy on the floor. Maybe. I hope.

Another Contented Kitty Block and Playing with Fabric

One more Contented Kitty block to add to the collection. They’re just so much fun to stitch that I can’t resist. I have enough pieces printed and cut now for another 3 or 4 blocks. There are other brown and gold fabrics I want to add to the mix. Before I stitch any more of these blocks, I’m going to print on the other fabrics and mix them all up.

Wednesday night I was sorting through one of the containers in which I keep pieces I’ve printed and cut and ran across these edge shapes for clamshells. I have no idea what I had in mind when I printed them (note to self: make notes of what you’re thinking!) so decided to just have some fun stitching the little shapes. Curved piecing and tiny blocks — what more could I ask? Each of these blocks finishes at 3″. I think these will be perfect for a mini quilt.

We went from a humidex reading near 40C on Tuesday to a high this morning of 11C. That’s a huge change and completely explains the migraine I’ve been battling for the last 24 hours or so. It was brilliantly sunny on Wednesday but very windy and the wind continued through the night.

Smudge wasn’t affected by it at all.  He was too busy posing for the camera.

Contented Kitty Block

Much as I’m trying to concentrate on just one project right now, I can’t resist these Contented Kitty, aka Yin Yang, blocks. They are incredibly satisfying to put together and so quick to stitch. While I want to get the Contented Kitty quilt done fairly quickly, I’m contemplating doing some of the blocks in my favourite shabby chic fabrics. It’s so much fun to see how different they look when other fabrics are used. Then I keep thinking that they’d be amazing done in a variety of batiks and hand-dyed fabrics.

The possibility of doing a quilt using just 2 fabrics also intrigues me. I have a feeling the effect would be rather spectacular when the blocks were all joined together. The Inklingo Yin Yang collection makes the idea of doing a few different small quilts using this block completely possible. I wouldn’t want to try making these without it.

The press like a dream and the back looks almost as good as the front.

I laid out the pieces for another Contented Kitty block. Every time I stitch one, I”m as fascinated as I was by the first one.

Tuesday was incredibly hot, with a humidex reading of 39C. Out on the roof garden it was quite breezy and the heat wasn’t quite as oppressive.  I think today we’re going back to more normal temperatures, but it was sure nice to have that first real taste of summer.

Smudge was lounging.