Works in Progress

There’s still a little hand piecing to do on the pink and cream quilt, but I am thinking now about what projects jump to the head of the queue once it and the baby quilt are finished.  Along with the Stormy Seas and Pickled Ladies quilts, the Summer Picnic Dish is definitely moving up the list.  A little more has been done since this photo was taken, but not a lot.

The POTC blocks definitely have to move up the list to be finished and the top put together.

I want to get this piece, which I’ve dubbed star of stars,  basted and quilted.  I know why it has languished this long — because I kept thinking I need to add to it and make it square or rectangular.  But I’ve decided to leave it in a star shape.

I’m going to arrange these applique blocks and get the top put together.

Of the above projects, the one that will take the longest is likely the Patchwork of the Crosses blocks.  On top of this I’m still working on getting to the point I feel confident using EQ6.

My plan for the weekend is to get the fabrics ready and printed for the Summer Picnic Dish as well as finally select the fabric for the 2″ squares used when connecting the POTC blocks and get it printed.

Smudge has a new habit.  When we empty the dishwasher in the morning, he likes to sit on the door.  I may have been a bit premature in thinking we were over the worst of this eating thing with him.  Wednesday he wasn’t interested in food again at all so we immediately went back to the syringe feeding.  I am very grateful he’s so accommodating about that process as I can only imagine how difficult it would be with many kitties.

We caught Lester in the midst of a huge yawn.  This photo makes me laugh.

14 thoughts on “Works in Progress

  1. You have made several facinating quilt blocks, your POTC is a pattern I have never seen before and I will be curious to see how you put it together. It looks like very difficult piecing to me and the Star quilt is great. Thank you for sharing. Bernie


  2. Wow, you do have quite a bit of projects in the works. I love them all and have loved seeing them in progress. Silly Smudge, cats truly are funny creatures. They do some of the neatest things that make us smile. Lester looks as if he is roaring.


  3. You are the most prolific quilter–especially with all these complicated patterns. You are my hero. Make that heroine. And you are right to be grateful for syringe-feeding only one cat. Years ago my favorite kitty gave a respiratory infection to our other two. Nobody would eat because they could not smell. Long story short, even with towels, we had food slung far and wide.


  4. Where did all that green grass come from? Just kidding!
    Love the summer pickle dish. I forgot you had an applique under way. Very fun. Reminds me of dark spots on the moon – technically called “Maria”. Maybe you should name that quilt Maria or just Moon Spots.
    Now all you need is for Smudge to load and unload the dishwasher for you.
    Lester looks like a very, very very brave L-I-O-N!


  5. My, what a tempting collection of ufo’s! You’ll never be bored with such a lovely variety! Poor Smudge, hope he finds his way back to normal eating, always a worry when they aren’t quite up to speed! Hugs and happy stitching!


  6. Hello Cathi! Oh you have so many beautiful projects going on! They are all so lovely – perhaps mostly I love the Star!
    Cats have so enjoyable way to yawn!
    xxx Teje


  7. Such wonderful projects!Oh my, that Summer Picnic Dish is so awesome! Also those POTC blocks look very addictive.
    Nice works in progress! I better just put everything away that I am trying to get done and finished and start one of these Inklingo projects. So cool!

    Smudge knows what he’s doing, getting that extra attention! Smart cat, hope he’s getting better, though. And then there is Lester the Lion King!


  8. Lovely to re-visit some of the projects we haven’t seen for a while! No doubt about it, Smudge knows what he wants doesn’t he. Lester looks as though he is roaring like a lion!


  9. The UFO’s are all lovely. Smudge looks very comfortable, one of our little cats wandered inside the dishwasher years ago.
    Sorry to hear he still wants to be hand fed hopefully it will be a hump not a hill in his recovery. Lester reminds me of our two all teeth and little roar.


  10. You have a wonderful array of WIPs Cathi 🙂 Delicious all of them. I love the little stars one. My POTC is the total of 2 blocks! LOL..

    How is Smudge? How did you go at the vets? I hope all is okay. hugs Ellyx


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