Can Can!!

Can Can IMG_2631wtmk

After getting the centre star of Can Can done, I had to add the first ring of small stars and get it ready for the next ring of ten of the 10-point stars. The piece is already too large for the board I normally use to take photos so I’m going to have to figure out a different way to photograph this as it grows.

Can Can Back IMG_2633wtmk

The back after pressing. I’m grading the seams as I go.

10-point star IMG_2634wtmk

Then I just had to make one of the ten 10-point stars for the next round because I so enjoy making them.

10-point star back IMG_2635wtmk

Its back after pressing and grading of the seams.

It’s very, very hard to stop working on it, but I forced myself to put down Can Can so I could work on another ring of the Two Ringy Dingies top.

Finger IMG_2591wtmk

I know it has been a while again since I blogged. My finger and a kitchen knife had a bit of a collision the day I last blogged. The knife won. This picture was taken a few days after it happened. For a while I couldn’t put any pressure on my left hand index finger so using a keyboard of any sort was out. Thankfully I could manage to piece, even with a bandage on and, after a few days, I was able to take off the bandage and just keep it clean and used the liquid bandage instead. That was a relief and made hand piecing much more fun although I was still being very careful when it came to putting any pressure on the finger.  Now it’s finally all healed.

There were a few questions about the leather ring thimble last time. I ordered mine from Amazon – for Amazon users in Canada, it does come from a vendor in Japan but does arrive relatively quickly, although not when there’s a post office strike, and is worth the wait! A search for Clover leather ring thimble should find it. Of course the replacement one I  had ordered arrived right after I published the last post. It is now safely tucked away.

There was also a question about how I use it. I learned about the ring thimble when I watched a video of Yoko Saito hand piecing. There are a few different ones available on YouTube – this is just one of them.

Can Canwtmk

“Can Can (or Clam Clam?)”

Baxter December 2018 IMG_2616wtmk

Yesterday the window cleaners came and, as usual, Baxter was nowhere to be seen so I’m glad I got this photo of him a couple of days ago.


15 thoughts on “Can Can!!

  1. What a fantastic block!!! So many pieces, but so cool!!
    My advice in the knife incident, stay out of the kitchen and just keep sewing! 🙂 works for me!
    Great picture of Baxter, as always!


    • Thank you!! It doesn’t really feel like it’s too many pieces because, I suppose, that I’m looking at this as something I’m doing in rounds. It’s so easy to break down that way that I guess it makes it seem less overwhelming than it might.

      I love your advice re stay out of the kitchen and will follow it!!




    • It’s fun to work on Can Can. I can’t wait to get back to making the ten 10-point stars for the next round and get them added as I think that will really be fun to see. Each round seems to add so much complexity, yet it really isn’t that difficult to sew – just pure fun.



      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, wounded or not, you CAN CAN stitch up a storm. Makes me want to go play in the fabric! Sunny is sitting in my lap, purring up a storm, and letting me know “She” is my cat! I don’t need to go window shopping (oh, bad pun, intended).


  3. That’s a nasty looking cut. I’m surprised that you can use your thumb even now. But I know how devoted you are to quilting. The can can block looks great. I love the cartoon. If you don’t blog before Christmas, have a merry and happy one.


  4. Yes knifes always win.  My friend has a problem when she has to cut things.  My Dad had a vegetable shop and you need to keep the knife sharp he always said. Happy Christmas.

    Happy Quilting Pam M.


    • It wasn’t a matter of the knife not being sharp enough – it was me not paying close enough attention to what I was doing. I think I was working out an idea I had for a quilt when it happened.

      Merry CHristmas to you as well!




  5. Beautiful, Cathi! I love the way you show the front and the back.
    I’m sorry about your finger. Sewing is safer than cooking. Proven again. Take care.


    • It’s all because of you that I show the backs of blocks. I learned so much from studying the pictures of backs of diamonds in Quilted Diamonds 2 and, of course, from seeing you press things in person that I hope that someone finds the pictures I post helpful as well.

      Sewing is definitely safer than cooking! Much, much safer. I’m leaving the cooking to Mr. Q.O. more often!




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