Memories of Smudge … Again

After much more arranging and rearranging, I think this is the final layout for Memories of Smudge.  I’ll take one more good look at it today and then label the blocks and get them off the design wall.  There was a point yesterday when I thought I’d never get this to work so that an S forms in every two blocks when looking at them vertically.  Moving one row from the far right to the centre made it all fall into place.

What else did I do yesterday? Played with the new Inklingo 5/8th inch (.625 inch) hexagon. I’m surprised at how much difference .125″ makes in a hexagon. I found the .625 inch size the perfect one for me and prefer stitching it to the .50 inch one. Not too small, not too large. This is the size of hexagon for those who want to make a replica of the Mrs. Billings Coverlet.

These two flowers were put together in next to no time. When the collection was released, I picked out 4 fabrics, ironed them to freezer paper, fed them through my printer and had perfect printed shapes in a couple of minutes. I have an idea for a small doll bed quilt  using just 6 of the little flowers. Baxter had to help position the ruler when we were taking this picture.

Seams graded and flowers pressed. This is going to be a project in a box for a very short period of time as I think I can put the small quilt together pretty quickly.

The trees on the roof garden have pretty much lost all their leaves now. Baxter and his pals were gazing at the last leaf.

He’s spending more time on the couch or in one of his kitty beds now that it’s getting cooler and the leaves are pretty much gone.

12 thoughts on “Memories of Smudge … Again

  1. The Smudge blocks look great! I can the the “Ss” all over the quilt. I don’t know what you use for freezer paper, but here’s the C. Jenkins company is a source.


  2. Perfect layout of the Smudge quilt!
    Baxter is so helpful, I am surprised he didn’t grab a hexie and run!
    Now Baxter and his friends will have to look for snowflakes to chase by the window instead of leaves.


  3. I cannot believe I am saying this but it looks even BETTER now! Wow! you are wonderful! I am totally in love with this quilt!
    Enjoy the great weather this weekend!


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