Lots of Little Blocks

I know, I know. I vanished again. This time I had sort of a good excuse – a computer that was just not cooperating and needed to be replaced, which has now happened.

What have I been doing? Other than making more masks, I’ve been playing with lots of little blocks. These little 4″ blocks have been my focus for a while as I was determined to finish making them. And finally – it has been a very long time since I began this – the piecing of the 276 little blocks is done. Next they need to be sewn into rows.

A few more of these blocks got made for the Nocturne quilt top. This first one makes me think of baseballs.

This block also makes me think of baseballs. Could this have anything to do with the fact that the All-Star Game was on while I was typing this? Possibly.

Also another block for the Midnight Fireworks quilt top got finished.

I reorganized my sewing area as well but that ended up as an epic fail and will be revisited over the next month or so once I have an idea that will hopefully be a better solution.

Baxter was hiding his eyes at one stage of the reorganization.

Now that I’ve got a computer that is cooperative I plan to be blogging much more regularly!

15 thoughts on “Lots of Little Blocks

  1. Lovely blocks! Delighted to hear of computer issue resolved and more blogs to come! A photo of Baxter is a grand way to start the day, for sure!


    • Thank you! The Midnight Fireworks blocks are probably the next up in the queue once I get the little Drunkard’s Path blocks into rows. Or perhaps while. Or before. Who knows with me!!

      I was so lucky to get that shot of Baxter. Cracked me up.




  2. Was it really 2016 when we started our Cleopatra’s Fan projects? 276 4″ Drunkard’s Path blocks? Oh! my! Do love the Midnight Fireworks.

    Been wondering how you are.


    • I was thinking about Cleopatra’s Fan just last night but have no idea where that project box is at this point.

      Those little Drunkard’s Path blocks have been in the queue for years and years. I started them before the Inklingo 2” Drunkard’s Path collection was released so had been tracing the templates — which was why the project languished for quite some time. Once the Inklingo collection came out, I was able to get everything printed quickly but after a while the project went into a time-out where it stayed for a very long time!! It has been fun joining the little 2” blocks into four-block groups. Now to start sewing the rows together!!




  3. Congratulations on your new computer! I am so glad you are back! You have some wonderful Inkling blocks in progress. The smaller, the better, eh? THANK YOU for sharing your beautiful work. Monkey sends a smooch.


    • You know me – I always seem to gravitate to the miniatures! Thank you for inventing Inklingo – without it, that little Drunkard’s Path project would likely have been left as a UFO forever!




  4. Good to see you back blogging again. Nice to see Baxter is making an appearance again. I look forward to seeing the projects you are working on.


  5. Beautiful!

    I know you love baseball. I can see how you’d think of those like that.

    Organizing a sewing room is a lot of work! Keep going…you’ll get there .


    • I’m trying to organize a sewing corner of the living room and it’s — hmm. In a word, challenging is probably the best word. But I think I have a new idea that might — if I’m very, very lucky — work.



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