What Did I Do Yesterday?

I decided that I didn’t like my initial choice of fabrics for the Case of the Secret Garden mystery quilt. Lots of rummaging through stash ensued.


I came up with a number of possibilities and finally decided on this group.


Then I got out a roll of freezer paper and cut the sizes I’ll need to print the shapes on the back of my fabrics.

After the big snowstorm on Friday, yesterday was a great day to stay indoors and play with fabric and freezer paper while patiently impatiently waiting for the next clue, which will be available Monday.

The first clue to the mystery and the post about printing test sheets are a great way to get started on The Case of the Secret Garden.


Baxter is trying his best, with his kitty pals, to figure out just what the clues might mean.


He’s wide-eyed with excitement, waiting for the next clue. I love this photo of him as you can really see his little milk moustache.

10 thoughts on “What Did I Do Yesterday?

  1. Love these fabrics, Cath! And what a fabulous pic of Baxter. Tell Mr. Q.O. we love the ‘toon today too. So cute! And just exactly what I have been trying to do the last few days too – can’t wait for Clue #2!


  2. Ooohh…the pansy fabric again! I’ve been searching and searching for some for my stash…any clues on the selvedge?? Great combo for the mystery and a wonderful pic of Baxter. That kitty is a treasure, for sure!!


  3. I haven’t even begun as I’ve been reading the instructions on printing; the printer died and hubby purchased a new one Friday…wish I was near you to watch what you do. I will attempt to muddle through it…lol. I am intimidated by the process. Wash the fabric, yikes! Lol…
    Oh how I just love your Baxter!!! He is soooo gorgeous!!


  4. I love your fabric choices!~ It LOOKS like a garden already. 🙂
    Mr. Q.O. outdoes himself again and again, in telling Baxter’s stories. I LOVE his outfit today. lol Beautiful photo of Baxter


  5. Delightful fabrics! These do seem to radiate the “garden” idea…lovely/cheery…something I’m sure you welcome with your recent winter storms!
    Baxter looks especially fluffy today…and those lovely little tufts on his ears are very bold in this photo! Charming!


  6. Baxter always looks so cool. I swear he graduated from modeling school! lol. Gorgeous kitty.
    COTSG: I keep changing fabric choices, too. I think I will follow the ‘value’ recommendations and not worry about color/print too much just as long as there is some textural/scale differences.


  7. After catching up a bit on your blog I am thinking about getting in on the mystery. I have zero time to do it, but I feel the urge LOL.
    I love Baxter’s ears, such lovely tips 🙂


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