A Little Shopping

On Thursday, we went out to run a few errands and do some shopping including a trip to the quilt shop where I found these luscious batik FQs. I’m not sure what I have in mind for these, but there’s an idea slowly coming together that will involve these and some others in my stash. They may end up in another series of the New York Beauty blocks.

This black fabric is destined for the Pickled Ladies border. It’s really darker than it appears in this photo.

What I was really looking for was this – a white with a faint blue print. This is the “right” side of the fabric, which has a darker print than I wanted.

But when I looked at the “wrong” side, it was exactly what I was looking for.

While there, I saw this and was able to try it out on a scrap at the shop. It’s fabulous – the chalk just brushes right off and the lines are very fine.

Today’s Baxtertoon is entitled “Storm Watch.” We had a thunderstorm yesterday and, just like Lester and Smudge, Baxter doesn’t appear to be the least bit perturbed by the claps of thunder.

Baxter often sleeps like this, with one paw over his head. It always makes me laugh.

10 thoughts on “A Little Shopping

  1. Yummy batiks! Isn’t it funny how sometimes the back of a piece of fabric is more suitable than the front.
    That Bohn pencil is my favourite! It works so well, better than any other dark fabric marker I’ve had. Well worth the price.
    Great cartoon Mr. Q.O. and cute picture of Baxter 🙂 Ellyx


  2. your chalk pencil looks a lot like the Fons and Porter one that I have. It doesn’t brush off easily though although it has always come out in the wash it I use it on the front side for something I do not worry about it.


  3. Lovely batiks–can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with them. Lucky you Baxter isn’t bothered by thunder. Try having 52lbs of quivering, shaking, panting spotted dog leaning against you or on top of you……yeah, it was a LONG night……..on top of that, he’s all worked up because the house is torn up with all sorts of home improvement projects and packing going on in preparation for selling our home……..I’ll take a nice laid back kitty right about now……


  4. Love the fabric. Looking forward to seeing what it all becomes.
    That chalk oen looks like what I’ve been looking for. I’ve been using chaco liners but they’re not quite thin enough and easily moveable to be as accurate as I’d like


  5. Great shopping finds. I have used the Bohn pencil (in several colors) for awhile in my appliqué. It really does stay on until you brush it off. I really should invest in more than one pencil though because I end up wasting chalk when I change out the colors. I think you will like it.
    I am patiently waiting to see that fabulous black fabric as a border!
    Now if you and Mr. QO weren’t so noisy, Baxter may not have to put his paw over his ear!


  6. I bet those new fabrics will make some nice Kites!
    Baxter is putting his paws over his ears so he doesn’t have to listen to you argueing to yourself about which fabric and which project you should be working on next!


  7. I like that marking chalk too! It’s great for darks. For lights I use the blue water disappearing marker but would prefer something not ink based. Never tried the colored chalk but it might be good too.


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