A Gift, Some Printing, Some Blocks and a Cake

The gift, one of the Rowenta travel irons. I am thrilled to pieces (pun intended) as it is so light and makes pressing blocks so easy on my hands. It gets super hot very quickly and has a little travel case.

The printing of everything for the Drunkard’s Path quilt using 2″ blocks is complete … I think. I may be short a few of the ’30s pieces, but can print more once I have a better idea where I’m at with that. The cutting has begun. That will take me some time as I’m not comfortable using a rotary cutter for this. But if I cut a sheet of the ’30s prints and one of the muslin each evening, I’ll have this done fairly quickly.

The little book box is slowly getting filled up with the pieces. I counted the previously finished blocks and I had, before I realized I could use Inklingo to finish this quilt, made 307 blocks. So only 525 to go.

Well, oops — make that 501 blocks to go. I couldn’t resist making a few on the weekend, some of which are shown here. Twenty-four counts as a few, right? When they’re this small and take only a few stitches to complete?

And just because they’re so cute and press so beautifully, a picture of the back of one of them.

The reason for the gift? It was my birthday yesterday. Mr. Q.O. knew I wanted that Rowenta travel iron. So he picked it up at the Creativ Festival on Friday. His favourite line is that only someone who’s married to a quilter can get away with buying an iron as a gift.

This was the birthday cake. They have these little cakes that come in small mason jars in the grocery store store downstairs. Perfect size for two people.

Baxter loves to lie on Mr. Q.O.’s cryptic crosswords. Mr. Q.O. captioned this one, “Hmm …” I think he was just showing off his lynx tips.

13 thoughts on “A Gift, Some Printing, Some Blocks and a Cake

  1. Happy Birthday, Cathi! I’ve been in Costa Rica on vacation, now I must catch up on your blogs! I also have that little Rowenta iron, and it’s my favorite, too. Hard to find a travel iron that gets hot enough, but it sure does the trick. Darling birthday cake, obviously a dear husband, and what a cat! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! 🙂


  2. A big Texas Happy Birthday to you, Cathi! My anniversary was Sunday so now I should be able to remember your birthday – just one day later. I hope it was a great day. So glad you were able to attend the Festival on Friday! Can’t wait to see more of these cute little Drunkard’s Path blocks. Do you ever sleep?


  3. Happy Birthday!!!!!! Nice gift, interesting cake!!
    Those drunkard’s path blocks just have to be the cutest blocks you’ve made! WOW!
    Baxter is just trying to solve a few of the crosswords and convey the answers to Mr.QO by way of mental telepathy. Please give him a chance!


  4. Happy Birthday, dear Cathy!

    I wish you a wonderful year filled with good health and the love of family and friends!

    What a great idea for the cake! What grocery store is it?

    PS lots of quilting time too! 🙂

    PPS I ❤ Baxter, the cutie pie!!!

    xxoo, Sandra


  5. Happy Birthday, one day late! I hope your new year is full of love, inklingoing, and good health! Wishing you all the best. Linda & Monkey


  6. Happy birthday wishes, slightly late! What a wonderful cake idea. You will certainly find that little iron handy, I’m sure. Baxter looks very grown-up in this photo, doesn’t he? The little kitty is definitely gone now.


  7. Happy birthday . The cake looks like a great idea just enough to enjoy not too much for two. Baxter is looking very grown up. Love the ears and his ruff is fantastic.Enjoy the iron they7 are great, I have an old one my mother in law had.


  8. Oh my goodnes… How do you get the perfect cake in a jar like that??!! , as I want to order it NOW for my next “upteenth” occasions!~”
    Well, I’m sure that you are now rested from your birhtday adventures, but we have YET to meet your “birthday gremlins”… i.e., Mr. Q.O.’s drawings.
    We shall see what sneaks in.
    Well, off to bed here soon. Dreaming of that CAKE in a jar… HOW LUCKY!~
    Okay , I’ll drop it for now, but DO report , s’ vou plais…


  9. Belated happy birthday!
    Love the iron comment. And completely understand it. I love kitchen appliances and good quality cookware. I’d be thrilled if I got them as gifts. But all the guys I know look at me in horror with the comment that their life wouldn’t be worth living if they gave that sort of gift. Lol.
    Nice collection of pieces. I’m old school like you and use scissors 🙂


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