Stars, Stars and More Stars

All 80 of the Twinkling Stars are made and ready to be stitched into the larger 15″ 9-patch blocks. My goal was to finish them before our long Thanksgiving weekend was over and I got it done!

Hybrid piecing worked out really well for me once I worked out this method of pinning the skinny triangles to the half tumblers. My previous attempts at machine stitching have usually resulted in seams that seem slightly distorted by the pinning.  So rather than pinning through matching points or crosshairs, I used a fine pin as though I was using a needle and thread. Checked the front and back of the seam and as long as my pin was right on the stitching line, I was off to the races. That’s how I reached my goal of finishing the stars. I don’t know how well that pinning idea would work on long seams, but for these skinny tris it worked like a charm for me.

Our Thanksgiving weekend was perfect – warm and sunny. The weather felt more like Labour Day weekend than Thanksgiving. So much so that people were out on the roof garden sunbathing. I’m hoping this is a sign that we’ll have a mild winter.

A few leaves have been dancing by the window and Baxter has been busy watching. Here he was resting up after a long afternoon of leaf chasing and bird and squirrel watching.

6 thoughts on “Stars, Stars and More Stars

  1. Wow, you really did get a lot of the stars done! Glad your new technique is working well for you. We had awesome weather here too! I wish it would be more like that every day of the year. Although, I did not break out the shorts again, it did get cool at night. Baxter just looks way too relaxed!


  2. Hooray! You did it! Very good! I can’t wait to see them all set and ready to quilt!

    I now have figured out why Baxter is always bent and curlly, the chairs in your house are too small for him to stretch out in so he has to become a yin yang to fit the space! 🙂 And as he grows, he will just get in more of a curl! You’ll have to get him a big dog bed to make him fit, of course I know cats like to curl around and get in tight spaces!


  3. Congratulations on meeting your goal!
    Our weather has been beautiful too with rain maybe coming in late today and into Thursday. It has been unseasonably warm and no rain for quite awhile. Our winter is predicted to be one of the worst winters so I hope you luck out with less snow and cold.


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