
I know, I know – I’ve been gone for ages. All sorts of things have been happening.

Including lots of stitching. I’ve identified a few projects that I want to try to focus on. Try being the operative word. And this is one of them – Nocturne from Millefiori Quilts 3. I had started it ages ago but then it sat. So when that project box came out, I figured out what I needed to finish it and got all the shapes printed that I’ll need. A little fussy cutting/printing was done – of course. And now I’ll have hours and hours of fun putting this quilt together.

As can be seen in this box. But that’s not all! Each centre has to be surrounded by colourful little diamonds. Colourful little diamonds that would have gotten all mixed up in the box.

So an old ice cube tray was pressed into service as a diamond holder.

I have a few of the centres done – including this trio which I can’t help but think of as the baseball blocks.

What else has been happening? Well, I got my hips replaced. It’s wonderful! I no longer sound like a Rice Krispies ad when I move. And no more pain! I just got home for five weeks after rehab from the hip surgery before I decided to trip over my own two feet and fall. And break an ankle. In. Three. Places. So back to rehab I went, but it’s all fine now and I’ve had w0nderful care from the surgeons, the staff at the rehab hospital and the physiotherapists with whom I’m still working. It’s all good.

Mr. Q.O. has had some health challenges as well, but he’s also on the mend.

Baxter, on the other hand, has been well and truly spoiled and is his same delightful self.

I’m making no promises, but hope to blog a lot more frequently now that I’ve started again!

Farmer’s Delight in Stages

Another Farmer’s Delight block completely finished.

One that just needs the frame around it to square it up.

And a third which is awaiting its two bands of triangles.  I’ve decided to make the remaining blocks all at once.  It’s faster, I think, if I make the blocks up to the point of completing the addition of the two rounds of triangles and then, once the remaining 3 or 4 blocks are at that stage, I’ll add the frames to square them up all at once.  That’s what I’ve been working on this week.

We ran down to the hospital for a bit on Wednesday afternoon to meet Cameron, who was born late Monday afternoon, and to deliver his little quilt.  His father, who is the son of a quilter, wasted no time in making sure Cameron was cozy and warm with the quilt wrapped around him.

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and messages about Lester — they were greatly appreciated and helped enormously.  Lester has been slowly recovering.  This is his third stroke and the recovery time has been longer this time.  As of Thursday night he’s eating on his own, drinking and even playing a bit with kitty toys.  It has been a roller coaster of emotions watching him, wondering how well he’ll recover.   We took no pictures of him this week until last night, when he was acting more like Lester, our house lion — lounging in the kitty bed near the kitty toy basket. We were, once again, extremely lucky.

There has been good news with Smudge as well.  He finally seems to be eating enough on his own.  So much so that Thursday was the first day in close to three months that there was no syringe feeding at all. Tuesday and Wednesday were rather tough days with syringe feeding necessary for both of them and then Thursday was like magic — they were both eating on their own.  Smudge was having a snooze after eating on Thursday night.