A Shabby Yin Yang


The shabby chic Yin Yang project came out of its project box on the weekend and one block was made. While I’m still undecided about the borders for the Memories of Smudge Yin Yang quilt top, I want to get the shabby chic Yin Yang blocks done as I have a setting idea in mind that will use some alternate blocks as well.


These are all ready to be stitched.


To add to this group.


Seams graded and block pressed. I always get a kick out of how wonderfully this block presses. Before pressing it looks somewhat odd but a few seconds with an iron and magic seems to happen.

It was quite mild Friday and Saturday, but oh how the temperature is dropping. It began dropping Saturday night. It was very windy and we had thunder snow overnight into Sunday. I didn’t hear the thunder or see the lightning, but Mr. Q.O. did. They’re saying to expect wind chills of -20C this week. Most of the weekend I was battling a migraine thanks to the weather.


Seems Baxter the snowbird is having fun making a sandcastle. He’s not sticking around for this cold snap.


He has developed a new habit of getting a few of his favourite toys lined up to use as a pillow by his toy basket.

6 thoughts on “A Shabby Yin Yang

  1. The cold is brutal. It is minus 27 here this morning (without windchill). Brrrrr.
    Baxter is one smart cat 🙂
    Do you sew your yin yang blocks by hand? They lie so perfectly.


  2. Ooooh, I love your shabby chic fabric quilts! I wanna go shopping with you the next time you restock your quilt shelves with shabby chic! :-))))Your pickled clamshells were fantastic! I’m betting this will be another show-stopper!!!


  3. Oh my, that is cold…..we had a chat to our son yesterday and he told us about the thunder snow. Fingers crossed your migraine goes away when the weather changes. Baxter has a fur coat to keep him warm, he’s lucky!


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