Possible Fabric Combinations

While almost all my stitching time on the weekend was spent working on the red and white Feathered Star/Sunflower quilt top, some time was spent auditioning possible partners for the purple batik. First  I had to try a white on white with it.

The second possibility was this gold with it.

The third possibility was this sea green/lime green with it.

I think I know which I’m going to choose, but am not a hundred per cent decided. Which would you choose and why?

If I stick with the design idea I’m thinking of, there will be a lot of whichever ends up as the “neutral” in the quilt.

Baxter had a busy weekend watching out the window. It’s getting milder and milder every day and I think he knows that kitty TV will be starting any day with the arrival of some birds and hopefully some squirrels.

Remember when he used to sleep like this as a little kitten? That shot was taken in July, when he was barely 3 months old.

This is his “I’m a big kitty now” version of the pose. This was taken on the weekend, and he’s almost 11 months old now.

10 thoughts on “Possible Fabric Combinations

  1. Baxter has grown into his paws! He had big feets when he was a little kitty, but they are the right size for him now. Of the three fabrics, I prefer the last option – the green.


  2. Hmmm, is it any surprise that I’d select a combination with a green? A nice bright
    chartreuse green! ;-))))))) Baxter is a treasure…and soon his windowsill antics and
    escapades will begin! Ahhh, spring! Happy stitching this cheery Monday…may all
    of your stitches be tiny and your thread never have any knots or tangles! Hugs!


  3. I really love the purple with the sea green/soft gold. I normally like yellow with purple… something about opposites on the color wheel and that nice contrast. But in this case, it just doesn’t do it for me personally – maybe the values are too similar or something, but they look more like they’re competing to me. That third choice… just says “aahhh” to me, like they would be very happy together, and bring out the best in the other. 😉

    That first shot of Baxter… at first because of the nature of that piece of furniture, it almost likes he’s a REALLY teeny kitten being held at someone’s fingertips. 🙂


  4. I like the sea green/purple combo. I have had a lot of customer quilts come in with the purple lines combined with various greens and they are wonderful no matter what the shades of purple or greens, they just seem to complement each other.
    I can’t believe how big your kitty is now and just think another big birthday to celebrate in just a month! 🙂


  5. Okay, I’m going to be different, LOL.. and say I like the white on white. But then it really depends on the design. 😉

    OH MY! But Baxter has fair grown!! Ellyx


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