Little Sunflower

The last of the red and white sunflowers for the red and white Feathered Star blocks is done. That’s not to say it’s the last sunflower I’ll be making as I love putting this block together and have Mr. Q.O.’s sunflowers to make. It’s a fun block to make and goes together rather quickly as there are lots of opportunities for continuous stitching.

It presses beautifully.

The feathers are all together for the final Feathered Star block so it won’t take long until I can put the centre of the quilt together.

I got behind in comments again and will try to get caught up over the next couple of days. I appreciate and read every comment and do try to reply.

Baxter sometimes sleeps with a paw up by his ear. It always makes me grab a camera to get a photo of his pose.

When he’s awake, he’s wide-eyed and investigating everything. It’s a treat to get a shot of him awake that’s not blurry.

10 thoughts on “Little Sunflower

  1. These blocks have such a visual impact….so so pretty!! That Baxter sure does know how to relax…look at how big his feet are next to his face!!



  2. Your little block is dazzling as usual, and Baxter is turning into
    quite the photo magnet! Sweet little darling! I’m still amazed
    at the perfection of your stitches….even with Inklingo….you
    still have a special talent! 🙂


  3. Beautiful block. Looking at it I can see several different ways of how it could be pieced together. How did you do it?
    Baxter is gorgeous, love these additions to your posts


  4. There were some gorgeous red and white quilts at the Shelburne Museum in VT. I thought of you with all those intricately hand pieced beauties. You would love seeing them in person. This is a real beauty. I’ve always loved Sunflower blocks. I missed keeping up with your blog and have gone back to catch up. Your work is amazing!


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