A Favourite Revisited

While I continue working on the red and white quilt, I decided I’d revisit some of my favourites. This is actually right up there at the top of that list. Simple nine-patch blocks, yes, but there’s something about this quilt and this photograph of it, in particular, that I just love. The nine-patch blocks measure 3″ finished, made with squares I printed using Inklingo. It’s hand pieced and machine quilted and looking at it makes me realize that the simple quilts are just as beautiful to me as the more involved ones.

It was the focus of a teddy bear adventure in this post back in June of 2008. When I looked back in my archives to find it, I was shocked that it was almost four years ago. Assuming I don’t get distracted again, which is never a safe assumption with me, I may show a few other quilts from the past on the blog over the next couple of weeks.

It was really quite chilly here yesterday. I think today’s supposed to be a bit better and then Wednesday better yet again. Yesterday the heat was back on and the windows closed again for most of the day. Oh, how we were spoiled by that lovely taste of summer in the middle of March.

Baxter was looking very alert for his photograph on Monday afternoon.

4 thoughts on “A Favourite Revisited

  1. This is such a precious quilt, and the teddy bear blog is adorable! I’ve been thinking about making a doll quilt, so maybe that’s a good plan for finally starting Inklingo. I’m off to look at Inklingo choices…again! (There are so many, I haven’t been able to decide what to choose! But I have been procrastinating, and I know that’s silly. I’ve been an appliquer, so piecing just hasn’t been my thing…but I can do this–lol!)


  2. Since I’m new to your blog, I love seeing “reposts”. The quilt looks so soft and I love the teddy bear story! I’m looking forward to seeing some of your older quilts.


  3. You have a very large and nice collection of quilts!
    Baxter is ready to see each of them, I’ll bet and try them out!
    The weather has certainly been strange this year. It’s in the 70’s and 80’s in Nebraska, but there is a warning in mid April to expect a hard freeze which will damage a lot of things that are coming up and blooming because old mother nature has fooled them into thinking it’s safe!


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