I’ve Got the Blues

Blue blocks, that is.

Blue Harpsichord IMG_1300wtmk

I didn’t try to sort them this way, but I found that I was making a blue Harpsichord block.

Brown & Blue Silent Garden IMG_1298wtmk

Right after I made this pretty blue and brown Silent Garden block. I think this may be one of my favourites of all the brown and blue stars – at least, so far it is.

Back of brown & blue IMG_1299wtmk

And, as usual, it pressed like a charm.

Back of Blue Harpsichord IMG_1302wtmk

As did the little Harpsichord block. And the photo reminds me I need to grade the seams of that block!

Lobby Flowers March 18, 2018IMG_1770wtmk

We may not see any colour outdoors yet – but the elevator lobby flowers are so pretty right now that they almost make up for the greyness of late winter/early spring.

Gotta love 'emwtmk

“Gotta Love Those Blues”

Jake, March 19, 2018IMG_1295wtmk

Jake is bored altogether with this long, long winter and lack of kitty TV activity on the roof garden.

Baxter in the House IMG_1297wtmk

An upside down pose – Baxter crams into that little house all the time and then somehow gets himself into an upside down pose. We always have to stop whatever we’re doing to look. And seeing him uncoil to exit the house is hysterical – we’re going to have to try to get a video of that!

8 thoughts on “I’ve Got the Blues

  1. You must live in a lovely building with all the beautiful elevator flowers you share.
    I really love your talent and sharing.
    The photos and your comments of Baxter and Jake relax me!!
    Sew you will know.
    Carol B.

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