I’ve Got the Blues

Blue Harpsichord Blockwtmk

When the Ribbon Flower collection was released last week, I was in the middle of a harpsichord  block – which, of course, got dropped midway through so I could go play with the Ribbon Flower. Now it’s finished and has joined the other finished ones in the Harpsichord Quilt project box.

Blue Fabricswtmk

When I knew a Ribbon Flower collection was going to be released, I started pulling fabrics that I thought might work together rather nicely. This was the combination that I couldn’t resist for my next ribbon flower.

Pieces for Blue Ribbon Flowerwtmk

A few minutes and I had all the pieces printed and cut out, ready to sew. This time there are no batiks. This one will be a bit different than the first pink one as I’m not using all the same shapes.

blues brotherswtmk

“Blues Brothers”

Jake July 4, 2017wtmk

Jake was very focused on something out on the roof garden yesterday afternoon and didn’t, I think, realize what was going on at the base of the kitty tree.

Baxter July 4, 2017wtmk

Where Baxter was very intently staring up at Jake and was about to leap up on to the kitty tree.

4 thoughts on “I’ve Got the Blues

  1. We like the Blues….. those are very pretty blue’s Cathi….
    Whistling a tune… greens, greens, greens,…..
    for the harpsichord of course…..
    can’t wait to see the next ribbon flower finished… the added shapes have me intrigued


    • It has been fun pulling out fabrics to play with, with Ribbon Flower! I’ve got so many ideas – I can’t wait to do them all! There are actually fewer shapes in this one than there were in the pink batik one I finished. The look will be quite different.




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