And Now There are Three


Three blocks of my Patchwork of the Crosses top put together, that is. Three more of the border segments were finished as well. I needed a break from making the last two border segments but will finish them today. Seeing three of the blocks together is making me really anxious to get this top put together.

The heat and humidity over the past couple of days has been unbelievable. The humidex was something like 43C yesterday. Even with the air conditioning on, it’s oppressive.


“C’mon In, The Water’s Fine.”


Baxter was looking up as I was putting the POTC blocks up on the design wall.

8 thoughts on “And Now There are Three

  1. I love how this is coming together! Just gorgeous! Yes, the humidity and heat have been quite terrible. I have no problems staying inside with the air on and sewing!!


  2. Oh, that is coming along well. You can keep that humidity, I’m enjoying our mild winter……although this weekend will be much colder. Stay cool, Baxter, and enjoy that swim!


  3. those are looking really good. I finished the section I was doing and now I will be working on a border for mine that is much different than the original


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