Farewell, Google Reader

R.I.P. Google Readerwtmk

Have you found a replacement for Google Reader that you like yet? Since the announcement was made that Google Reader would be shut down as of July 1, I’ve been trying a few different alternatives and quickly narrowed it down to two that I have been using for the past month and a half – Feedly and BlogLovin’.

I’ve pretty much decided that I’m going with Feedly, as I find it quick to load and it has made it easy to organize the blogs that I follow. That said, last night I did a little more research and found that there is going to be another service – Digg Reader. It seems it’s not quite ready, but when it is I’m going to give it a try as well.

If you have a WordPress account, it’s even simpler to follow other WordPress blogs – just click on follow and read them through the WordPress reader. Makes it very easy and quick to comment too.

There is also the option of subscribing to my blog by e-mail – using the box in the sidebar. That way new posts are delivered via email right to your inbox. And that makes it even easier to comment – just send your comment as a reply to the e-mail.


Baxter was watching the happenings on the roof garden from the windowsill this time. I guess he wanted an even closer look than he gets from his kitty tree.

7 thoughts on “Farewell, Google Reader

  1. After lots of confusion for me, and consulting other people, I was told I don’t use Google Reader on my blog, and didn’t need to do anything. But I saved all the URL’s, in case, and also loaded Bloglovin. Feedly gets very good reports, as does RSSowl, and the new one still to come looks good too. WordPress has its own, so easy. I will admit, I like the blog list on my sidebar, so easy to see the latest ones. Cheers from Jean


  2. I think I like feedly best too, for the same reasons you mention. Love the Baxtertoon, too funny, lol. Great photo of himself at the window. 🙂

    Ellyx Trying out the reply from email to comment.

    Sent from iPod


  3. Fabulous photo of Baxter. I really like the composition and the lighting. I, too, am saddened by the demise of Google Reader. I’m using Feedly and it’s fine except it doesn’t sync between devises like Reader did. If I read a post (or several) on my iPhone, it doesn’t show as read on my laptop. I’ve heard that Digg is working on a replacement to Reader and I’ll be watching tech blogs to see what happened. RIP Google Reader.


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