More Octagons and Diamonds


As distracted as I am by the possibilities with the shapes in the new Periwinkle Octagon collection, I am determined to stay focused and get the Octagon Stars doll bed quilt finished. So last night I added the red octagons and diamonds in preparation for adding another row of seven stars. Adding the octagons and diamonds is an opportunity for lots of continuous stitching so it’s actually a fairly quick stitch. Then I got started on the next set of seven stars.


There are a lot of seams in this, so I’m grading them as I add each piece.


Baxter and his friends are in full gardening mode.


This is a more elegant picture of him than his “Harumph” pose.

11 thoughts on “More Octagons and Diamonds

  1. Really beautiful Cathi! So bright and cheerful. I like seeing the gator in the Baxtertoons. THey are all so cute. Baxter is looking as handsome as ever.


  2. I wish Baxter and his friends could come help me with my gardening. It’s the time of year here where I am planting away.
    This doll bed quilt is SPECTACULAR!~ You get so much finished so quickly.
    I can’t wait to watch the Periwinkle quilt come to life! 🙂


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